
Archive for February, 2012

Blackjack Player Wins Big- Then Goes Down

Blackjack Winner Hits the Big Time…Followed By the Big House When an unsuspecting blackjack casino player won more than one and a half thousand pounds at a casino near Philadelphia at the weekend, he must have thought that his...

Retro Las Vegas 1962- Casino Nostalgia

Retro Las Vegas- Get Back to 1962. In the UK, we’ve never really benefited from the same casino culture as the US. With stricter gaming laws, the UK’s casino scene – while buzzing – hasn’t taken off in the...

Caesars Casino is Valued at $1.13 Billion After IPO

Another day, another billion dollar valuation. Caesars Casino Group (Caesars Entertainment Corp) has had a price tage of $1.13 Billion stuck on it by the market following its IPO. Caesars Casino has more than $22 billion in debt, mind....