H2 Gambling Capital comes out with a fascinating insight into the world of gambling every year. We covered it last year (Which Country Has The Biggest Gamblers), and that was with 2013 numbers. Anyway, they have updated their charts with 2014 numbers. Here it is.
The overall numbers are down for the casino industry as a whole as the market has been affected by the Chinese Government putting the brakes on the Macau Casino market by clamping down on unauthorised money transfers (read corruption and money laundering). Gross winnings (total money coming in from bets minus winnings paid out, not including marketing etc) will decline by 2.6% to $488 billion, according to H2 Gambling Capital. Casino Winnings mean player losses of course. So which country loses the most through gambling every year in total, and which country’s population loses most per person? In terms of losses per player, the numbers get bigger as you head east.
Aussies lose the most: around $1,130 for every adult. Basically there are alot of casinos (and some new Australian casinos on the way). Aussies pokies, which is what they call slots or video poker machines Down Under, are where the money is for the casinos. There are a lot of them in Australia and you can bet big on them. Regulation is tightening in this area, however. Singapore and the US are also home to some big gamblers, followed by New Zealand, Finland, Ireland and Norway.
But of course some of these countries have relatively small populations, so if you look at the overall gambling losses in numbers, the USA comes out on top, followed by China, Japan, Italy and Britain.
If we look at online betting and mobile casino gambling, Finland, Ireland and Norway lead the way. The US still lags in this area due to a de facto ban on most gambling over the Internet, particularly sports betting.
The total market is expected to return to growth next year, as the effects from the Chinese clamp down bed in.