Welcome to Online Casino King's Burning Slot page! The Burning Slot is a 5 reel slot and is part of Microgaming's "243 ways to win" range- another example includes Santas Wild Ride. It comes with a jackpot of 30,000 coins in the base game and up to 90,000 coins in the free spins round. One interesting feature of this slot is its "Way Wins". Way Wins are where all symbols act as adjacent scatters. Any adjacent symbol combination then offers a win. The Best Casinos For the Burning Desire Slot are.....
The Burning Desire Online Slot
With 243 Ways to Win.
Why be constrained by the number of pay-lines, when you can trigger more winning opportunities – up to 243 of them, like another Microgaming Slot: Tiger Moon.
Instead of a set number of paylines, the Burning Desire video slot works out left-to-right combinations regardless of their reel position. A winning combo can be made up of any combination from left to right (starting on Reel 1) of winning symbols. For you to land a payout, a winning combo must begin on the first reel, and contain symbols on each reel next door in any position (top, centre, or bottom).
Burning Desire also has Wilds, Scatters, Multipliers and Free Spins with a top jackpot win of 30,000 coins in the base game or up to 90,000 coins in Free Spins.
3, 4 or 5 gold coins will trigger 15 Free Spins which can re-trigger, trebling wins and increasing the adrenaline level. The Burning Desire logo is Wild: use it to accelerate winnings by making up winning combinations with the innovative Way Wins rules. Under the “Way Wins” rule, all symbols become adjacent scatters. Any adjacent symbol combo then serves up a win.
Minimum & Maximum Bets
Minimum bet @ 1 Coin = £0.25
Minimum bet @ Max Coins = £2.50
Maximum bet @ 1 Coin = £25.00
Maximum bet @ Max Coins = £250.00
(Or currency equivalent)