The Fibonacci Roulette System.
This roulette system is a progression based on the Fibonacci sequence, a mathematical sequence of numbers where every number is the sum of the preceding 2 numbers.
Lets say we start with 2. The Fibonacci sequence would go: 2 2 4 6 10 16 26 etc
In this online roulette system, your pattern of betting follows a Fibonacci progression: ie, your wager should be the sum of your previous 2 wagers. Make sure you start off low, as the figures rack up quickly.
If your number drops in, go back 2 numbers in the sequence (this is because their sum was equal to the previous bet).
The good thing about the Fibonacci system is that it the bets stay lower then a Martingale Progression, which doubles up every time. It is also less likely to fail due to table limits unlike the Martingale, as it progresses in a more stately way than the Martingale in short bursts.
However, make sure you cap the duration of a Fibonacci roulette sequence to 6 or 7 losses in a row if you happen to be on a run of bad luck. The flip side of the coin is that in the Fibonacci roulette system, you are not going to cover all of your losses if you hit a bad streak, you are just reducing them (but it´s less of a roller-coaster ride than the Martingale).
Take the above example which begins with 2. As always, extrapolate out a theoretical losing streak before you play to see the worst case scenario. (You can map out the best case as well- it is more than likely that you will track between the 2, unless you have the luck of the Irish, or are Mr or Ms Unlucky).
Scenario 1
You bet 2 and lose
You bet 2 and lose
You bet 4 and win. On this Fibonacci you have recoverd your losses. You still have the shirt on your back: congratulations!
Scenario 2
You bet 2 and lose
You bet 2 and lose
You bet 4 and lose
You bet 6 and win. On this sequence you lost 2. You have reduced your exposure but not covered your losses.
Scenario 3
You bet 2 and win
You bet 2 and win
You bet 2 and lose
You bet 2 and lose
You bet 4 and win. In this scenario you ar 4 up.
So as you can see, this is a loss limiter progression system, similar to the Martingale, but with a lower ramp up.
CAUTION: roulette systems will never alter the fundamental odds you get at the roulette wheel. They may be useful to make your play more methodical, but if anyone is telling you that they are a sure fire way to beat the casinos, don´t believe it!
And NEVER bother buying one of those e-books that is claiming to offer a secret away of making money on roulette. Unless the e-book is instructing you on how to build a website selling roulette systems that offer a secret way of winning at online roulette, if you get our drift.